Ma Petite Chouchou

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Friday, February 25, 2005
T-shirt Weather of the Midwest
I live in the mid-west and it's cold. This winter was no exception. We had a few weeks where the windchill was consistently 20 below. That's chilly, you just don't spend time outside if you can help it. Lately it's been in the 20s and 30s. The mid to high 30s start feeling pretty warm, it becomes sweatshirt weather. I still like a coat. I lived in the south for 7 yrs, some things just rubbed off. Granted I didn't actually own a winter coat then, but still.

On with the story, today was 44 with a windchill of 37, sunny, and just a nice day in general! And half the people I saw were wearing tshirts. This is something I've been used to since I was very young. Yet, while living in the South, you get used to seeing people all bundled up in their winter clothes when the temp dips down below 50!! Perfect sweatshirt weather IMO. So funny to think of the extreme opposites. When the temp starts getting into the 50s here, watch out! shorts weather!!!

This is the time of the year that goes the slowest tho. Spring semester usually just drags. It's the end of February and we've only been back to school for 1.5 months! Soooo much more to do.

I'm trying to figure out what classes I will be taking next semester. I have no idea. I know of about 3 that I will take for sure, but the others absolutely no idea.

UPDATE: windchill is apparently not in the blogger dictionary, I need to pay more attention
posted by mpcc @ 2/25/2005 03:22:00 PM  
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