Ma Petite Chouchou

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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Gizmodo by invite?
If you haven't checked out Gizmodo's new site redsign you really should. I love the background color. I suppose it's an off-white but I like to think of it as a pale periwinkle. All in all I like the color. As great as the site is, I knew it had happened but I use RSS to view it so.. just now noticed that comments are by invite!! Taking a hand from google perhaps? I found a want ad for an invite on craigs list of all places. It can't hurt but I'll ask the void... can I get an invite?

Anyway. The point is that I wanted to leave a comment on this page The Internet Is Not A Big Truck: Featuring John Hodgman in reply to another comment. First check out the page, watch the video. I'll wait. ..... Ok, wasn't that funny? Now if you read the comments you'll notice their talk about the Senator using the tube analagy and the fact that yeah it is an older analogy used at one time, but it's the fact that he's using this analogy that is scary.

From the sound of his little speach I'd have assumed some tech support person gave him a dumbed down explaination of the internet thinking (perhaps knowing) he wouldn't understand and/or care for a better explanation. I wouldn't even call it laymens terms, dumbed down is the best description. Do we really want someone who doesn't even really have the basics down in charge of regulating any aspect of the internet? I don't think so.
posted by mpcc @ 7/20/2006 07:30:00 PM  
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