Ma Petite Chouchou

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Sunday, July 02, 2006
Are you getting paid for that post?

One of the more heated debates in the blogoshere (particularly the tech sites I frequent) is If you don't already know about this site it literally does what the title says. Advertisers put up "opportunities" for bloggers to take. I've seen things from opinions about your favorite (they don't give you one) search engine to opinion about a show, and a review of a photo editing software. They all say neutral.

I currently use 3 different editing software's for photos and I planned on talking about them here. Why not add one more? Check it out and compare it with the ones I already use, while getting $5 for it. Who knows maybe I'll find one product to do what the 3 did for me. Am I a sell out? Perhaps, but if it's known ahead of time that parts of the post are getting paid for, and you don't even necessarily have to be positive is there really a moral issue in it?

Check out the comments at Lots of good discussion. Personally I don't think it's wrong if it blends with your blog. Would I accept an opportunity about "Parenting and Pregnancy Opportunity". Hmm for some reason that just doesn't seem to mesh with what I'm doing. Don't worry, unless I become pregnant, which will not be happening anytime soon, that will not be one I will even consider

Can this service be used to the detriment of bloggers? Of course. Bloggers are a detriment to themselves. That many uncontrolled opinions is bound to get someone, if not a group ie. the blogosphere, in trouble. Personally I think blogging is a good thing, whether people read your blog or not. As long as there is full disclosure as to what content is getting paid for and whether that has swayed your opinion I have no problem with it. Will everyone do it? Nope, I highly doubt it. Call me a cynic, but I prefer realist. If everyone is not moral/ethical about it should it be allowed? It's the age old question, what kills... guns, alcohol, cars (insert favorite or not so favorite object) or people?

By the way, did I mention I'm getting paid for this post ? I decided to show my opinion on both sides.

posted by mpcc @ 7/02/2006 04:28:00 PM  
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